PGP - E-Mail Encryption
Learn how to encrypt your E-Mail with PGP for Linux, Mac or Windows or visit a CryptoParty near you.
Twitter: @PeterTheOneGitHub: PeterTheOne
Xing: Peter Grassberger
+43 676 4284088I prefer E-Mail, call me between 10h-22h UTC+01:00
Status: loading
Peter Grassberger, BScFeuerbachgasse 30A, Top 62
8020 Graz, Austria
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Creative Commons
All content on this site is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license unless otherwise marked. It is not required to notify me if you build upon my work, but I would make me happy if you did. The source code for this site is publicly available on Github, feel free to fork and send me your pull-requests. Contact me if you would like to use my content or source code commercially.
The site uses third party libraries and scripts with a variety of licenses and creative work like images and fonts that were not created by me.
- Slim Framework (MIT License)
- mustache (MIT License)
- Piwik (GNU GPL v3)
- Phinx (MIT License)
- jQuery (MIT License)
- Tabby
- Bootstrap (MIT License)
- Moment.js + Moment Timezone (MIT License)
- highlight.js (BSD License)
- Font "PoliticsHeadBold" by Fred Bordfeld
- Portrait Image by Elena Rachor
- Image by Stefan Grassberger
This website uses Piwik to track user visits. The Piwik installation runs on the same server and tracking data is not given to a third party. As recommended by with ip_address_mask_length = 2
only two bytes of the IP address are saved and the browser option Do Not Track is respected. To keep track of repeated visitors Cookies are used. If you don't want to be tracked activate the Do Not Track option in your Browser, block javascript or the subdomain
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